Monday, October 6, 2014

God's First Aid Kit

This morning, I wrote this for my favorite ladies in the world; my sisters in Christ where I "formally" serve the Lord every Sunday. Y'all I say formally lightly, we are a come-as-you-are bunch and there's not a lick of formality involved in it! It tickles me to think of any of us trying to approach anything acting like something other than ourselves, we are just real women trying to survive in this crazy world! Anyhow, we have a weekly email devotional that we send 'round and I often find myself so encouraged when words that are meant to lift up reach my inbox. God gives us so many beautiful gifts and the fellowship and support of our family in Christ is the most treasured, in my opinion. People often confuse church with religion and more often than not, overlook the power of the relationships that are the cornerstones of faith. This is a family that God built, in His image, to scatter the Good News of Jesus Christ.  All are welcome, come as you are. Ya know, just in case you thought you needed a "formal" invitation. I hope you enjoy and guys, if you're reading this, just substitute shoes for hunting/fishing gear or whatever your "thing" is!

Here it is:

There are often times when I am dealing with patients and I have to be firm in one command with them; "Don't pick, pull or scratch that itch while you're healing! Let the new skin grow in without injury so you won't end up with a nasty scar!". It seems kind of silly to have to remind grown people of this all of the time, but it reminds me of just how easy it is for us to give in to temptation. How quick we are to "scratch an itch" when temptation creeps in.

Recently in our Sunday School class, we were discussing the different means the devil uses to get to us, the ways he fools us into thinking we want what he has to offer more than what God promises us. The most lethal weapon that the enemy uses to shake us with is discouragement, if he can cause us to doubt, sisters he will! He will make us doubt our way right into believing that we will feel better by something in our pantry that we know doesn't nourish our bodies, by making us believe that a new pair of shoes we can't afford will fix all that ails us. Often he will cause our tongues to say things about others' short comings to make ourselves feel "better" and other times he will convince you that you can never truly be yourself because nobody will love or accept you and all of your scars. The worst, when you look in the mirror and he convinces you that God got it wrong and you don't love what you see staring back at you. In these times, it's so tempting to find unhealthy ways to scratch an itch of loneliness and despair.  In these times it is easy to forget about the rainbows God has hidden in the storms or that our Sovereign doesn't make mistakes and that you are truly as precious as rubies and a beauty to behold. Wounds included.

We all have wounds and under the steady hand of our Healer, listen when I say that He doesn't want us to pick, pull or scratch at what He's mending, ladies. "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9). Stop trying to put band-aids and ointments on these wounds, stop trying to cover up your weakness and let GOD be GOD. Let Him work in your life by sharing your weakness, let others know where you struggle, pray without ceasing and let Him bring you the relief you seek. Do not be discouraged! Let the strength of Jesus, who endured it all, be your strength. If we can fight the voice of the enemy, the discouragement that sneaks in to steal our joy, we can heal ourselves of all things! Jesus died on the Cross, suffered wounds unimaginable to our minds so that we wouldn't have to live with the pain of them. Hallelujah, what a Savior!!

Life here on Earth, it's tough. Everywhere we turn, there are "7 Steps to a Better You" or "Lose 9lbs By Tomorrow". Constant messages that we aren't good enough, right where we are. The world is out to buy your soul with a 30 day guarantee, shipping and handling not included. It hurts. It wounds. Let it stop HERE. Stop buying into empty promises, stop listening to the voices that will tell you that you have to be anything other than YOU, because they all wound you. Here's my soundest advice for preventing wounds; be encouraged. Jesus already declared victory over all of these afflictions. The Bible gives us all we need to be the best version of ourselves and there is NO catch! With sin there is always a catch and be aware that sin often cloaks itself in a pretty package, it often comes in the form of something you really want; The devil knows you by your name, yet calls you by your sin. God knows your sin, but calls you by your name. Let that sink in the next time you feel the itch of temptation upon you. Then fight it. Fight it with the power of our Savior and use the Word of God just as Jesus did when he was being tempted. Fight the ugly, fuming fire of the enemy with the healing, refining fire of our Holy Father and find your protection there, find your satisfaction in the Lord. Don't let sin satisfy for a moment what God promises for an eternity, "For I will restore health unto you and I will heal you of your wounds, saith the Lord" (Jeremiah 30:17). Calamine lotion doesn't have anything on God! Can I get an Amen?

Love Does Not Delight In Evil

Father, I praise Your healing power! Refine me, nuture me, heal me and set me upright in Your ways! Lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil! In Jesus' Holy Name, Amen!

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